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YeeFixx single uf capacitor electric component pin / wired / needle condenser fan motor aircond compressor refrigerator

RM1.00 - RM7.00

Beli Sekarang & Dapat 10++ Points

Jadi ahli kami untuk lebih banyak diskaun & ganjaran

Kuantiti 85463

Pilih variant(s): size



Weight(grams): 100

Dimension: 3 cm (Length) x 6 cm (Width) x 3 cm (Height)

** YeeFixx official store , Malaysia Wholeseller **

english :
- capacitor got many types , pin / wired / needle
- can using in aircond / refrigerator / washing machine / fan motor / compressor and other machine that using motor
- if capacitor broken or less uf , will make your fan motor is running slow / refrigeration compressor gas will not be running and make not cool
- During maintenance or checking , we often encounter broken capacitors , and its will always replace by technician
- Ac 450v 50/60Hz , CD60 CBB60 CBB61 CBB65A
- A capacitor is an electronic device that stores electrical energy in an electric field by accumulating electric charges on two closely spaced surfaces that are insulated from each other
- It is a passive electronic component with two terminals (running / starting)
- The effect of a capacitor is known as capacitance While some capacitance exists between any two electrical conductors in proximity in a circuit, a capacitor is a component designed to add capacitance to a circuit
- The capacitor was originally known as the condenser, a term still encountered in a few compound names, such as the condenser microphone
- Unlike the battery, a capacitor is a circuit component that temporarily stores electrical energy through distributing charged particles on (generally two) plates to create a potential difference

bahasa melayu :
- kapasitor mendapat banyak jenis , pin / berwayar / jarum
- Boleh guna dalam aircond / peti ais / mesin basuh / motor kipas / compressor dan mesin lain yang menggunakan motor
- jika kapasitor rosak atau kurang uf, akan membuatkan motor kipas anda berjalan perlahan / gas kompressor penyejukan tidak akan berjalan dan membuatkan tidak sejuk
- Semasa penyelenggaraan atau pemeriksaan, kita sering menghadapi kapasitor yang rosak, dan ia akan sentiasa diganti oleh juruteknik
- Ac 450v 50/60Hz , CD60 CBB60 CBB61 CBB65A
- Kapasitor ialah peranti elektronik yang menyimpan tenaga elektrik dalam medan elektrik dengan mengumpul cas elektrik pada dua permukaan berjarak rapat yang berpenebat antara satu sama lain
- Ia adalah komponen elektronik pasif dengan dua terminal (running / starting)
- Kapasitor pada asalnya dikenali sebagai kondenser
- Berbeza dengan bateri, kapasitor ialah komponen litar yang menyimpan sementara tenaga elektrik melalui pengedaran zarah bercas pada (biasanya dua) plat untuk mencipta perbezaan potensi
~ 100% new item and ready stok ~
~ packing inside 24hours ~
- malaysia supplier ~
~ nice quality product ~

 Pertanyaan - YeeFixx single uf capacitor electric component pin / wired / needle condenser fan motor aircond compressor refrigerator

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