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YeeFixx 100v-500v electric test pen wire / cable detector alert wire signal electrical tester light +screw driver opener

RM0.80 - RM3.20

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Quantity: 3960

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Weight(grams): 30

Dimension: 2 cm (Length) x 20 cm (Width) x 2 cm (Height)

** YeeFixx official store , Malaysia Wholeseller **
~ 100% new item and ready stok ~

english :
- safety test pen can use in test wire got live current or not , and also can become screw driver to let you lock screw connector
- safety design and nice quality , suitable for technician wiring / aircond / repairman
- Amplified electronic testers (informally called electrical tester pens, test pens, or voltage detectors) rely on capacitive current only, and essentially detect the changing electric field around AC energized objects
- This tool is used to test circuits quickly to ensure that the circuit or conductor is live or not guided from indicator bulb or LED
- If a bulb inside test pen is light on ,that mean the conductor or a circuit is live
- Usually it is shaped like a Screwdriver slotted, but it has the indicator in itIt can be used as the Screwdriver and the tools to test live circuits
- For more accurate voltage reading or for safety purpose,please use the MULTIMETER ( can search in our shop )We can know the true value of the circuit or conductor and can determine correctly for the circuit is live or notSo works in safe condition and be a smart electrician :D

* - different of test pen normal and cable detector alert ( wire wall scanner) is ,
* test pen [100v-500vac]= need to direct touch wire live , and use hand touch behind , then will light on when touch wire got current
* cable detector alert ( wire wall scanner) [90v-1000vac] = if near wire got current , it will sound beep , got signal sound and light because its detect got current passing through even if wire is hidden inside wall or inside pipe

bahasa melayu :
- keselamatan pen ujian boleh digunakan dalam wayar ujian mendapat arus hidup atau tidak, dan juga boleh menjadi pemacu skru untuk membolehkan anda mengunci penyambung skru
- Reka bentuk keselamatan dan kualiti bagus, sesuai untuk juruteknik pendawaian / aircond / pembaikan
- Penguji elektronik yang dikuatkan (secara tidak rasmi dipanggil pen penguji elektrik, pen ujian atau pengesan voltan)
- Alat ini digunakan untuk menguji litar dengan cepat untuk memastikan litar atau konduktor hidup atau tidak berpandukan mentol penunjuk atau LED
- Jika mentol di dalam pen ujian menyala, itu bermakna konduktor atau litar hidup
- Biasanya ia berbentuk seperti Pemutar Skru berlubang, tetapi ia mempunyai penunjuk di dalamnya Ia boleh digunakan sebagai Pemutar Skru dan alat untuk menguji litar hidup
- Untuk bacaan voltan yang lebih tepat atau untuk tujuan keselamatan, sila gunakan MULTIMETER ( boleh cari di kedai kami)

* - berbeza :
* pen ujian [100v-500vac]= perlu terus sentuh wayar , dan gunakan sentuhan tangan di belakang test pen
* amaran pengesan kabel ( pengimbas dinding wayar) [90v-1000vac] = jika berhampiran wayar mendapat arus, ia akan berbunyi bip , walaupun wayar tersembunyi di dalam dinding atau paip dalam

~ packing inside 24hours ~
- malaysia supplier ~
~ nice quality product ~

 Inquiry - YeeFixx 100v-500v electric test pen wire / cable detector alert wire signal electrical tester light +screw driver opener

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